Wednesday, March 7, 2007


I just got back from my appointment with my high risk ob and, unfortunately, there have been some changes. I have had quite a few contractions this week and they have started to affect my cervix. After a very complete exam, I was told that my cervix is showing funneling and has shortened from 5 to 3.5cm and has dilated to 1cm. If it goes below 2cm in length, I will have to be admitted to the hospital. I have been told to pay even closer attention to my contractions and to increase my meds according to a specific schedule as soon as they start. The thing the OB said that bothered me the most was, "Let's just try to get a couple more weeks out of this." I was thinking more in terms of a couple more MONTHS!

On the positive side, our little girl looks perfect, just kicking away in there without a care in the world:) And at this point, each day in the womb increases chances of survival by 2 to 3 percent. Stay in there, sweetie!


Ashley said...

Hi Julie,

Just think of "making it the to the next two weeks" as your next goal! Then two more, and two more, and even two more!

I'm counting with you!


Julie said...

Thanks, Ashley...I know you are!