Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A Chance to go Home??!!

I did well last night, very few contractions, so today around noon, the doc said it was ok to shut off the magnesium sulfate completely! They capped off the IV and left it in just in case. Around 4:30 this afternoon, I was having a few more contractions than he wanted to see, although nothing too bad, so he started me on Procardia (my last chance to stay off the mag and go home!) Since then things have been pretty quiet, thankfully! I'm hoping this will continue through the night. If it does, tomorrow MAY be the day I go home...but we shall see. The Procardia worked for me before, but not for too long.

I have started getting use to the gestational diabetes and all things that go along with it. I had great blood glucose levels after my meals all day, so I think I have a good start on the whole thing!

Home sounds so good right now! Even though I would still be on bedrest, I can't wait to be there to see the boys like I use to! They are doing well, but only seeing them for a few hours a week sucks...that is the worst part of all of this. I just want to be their mom again.

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