Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Close to Coming Home!

Josie has been doing better and better every day! Her breathing issues have been resolved for a while now, and her bilirubin stayed low enough that she didn't have to go under the bili lights! She was moved from her isolet to an open crib a couple days ago and has been holding her temperature just fine.

The last issue was her feeding. She had still been using a feeding tube that was placed in her nose up until today. She was eating about half of her minimum feedings, then they put the rest in through the tube. I was allowed to try nursing 2 times per day, but that takes more energy in many cases than the bottle, so right now the bottle is the priority. We will work more on nursing later...I'm not too worried about it since she is really good at it! The way they explain it is that preemies don't have the stamina to do all the things they are expected to do, like breath, regulate their temp, and eat...all things they shouldn't have to do yet. So she just didn't have the energy to eat.

That all changed last night, it was as if something clicked all of a sudden! She started downing her bottles, all 50ml (just under 2 oz), in under 15 minutes. She continued to do this all day, most of the time even waking up hungry before the scheduled feeding time. So the doc put her on an "on demand" schedule and if she does well she may be home as early as tomorrow! We were so happy to hear this, it seems like she's been in the NICU forever! Her weight had gone down to 5lb 3oz, but is now up to 5lb 7oz...just 2oz away from her birth weight, so she's doing great! Please pray that she keeps right on eating and growing and that she can come home soon!

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