Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Seven more days to 35 weeks! Things remain stable on 2 grams of the mag. Hopefully this will continue tomorrow when he tries to wean me off of it! I'm assuming I will be at 1.5 for a day and then 1 for another day before I'm off of it, but it all depends on how the contractions do.

Last night the boys came up for a visit, and they made me more pictures for my wall. I'll try to post pictures of my wall later:) It's pretty cool. It was like a tornado in my room for a while with all the action, but settled down quickly as Brett got them packed up to go home. Jordan still wishes the doctors and nurses could just come to our house...aww...his way of saying he misses mom.

Then this morning I got a call from Brett about his adventures in getting the boys off to school. All I have to say is that, once again, I'll have to whip them back into shape when I get home! But what are you gonna do??

So Josie, 7 more days, then let's get a move on. Seriously, bring it on! I talked to the nurse this morning again and she verified that by 35 weeks most doctors will let you deliver because by this point it doesn't pay to continue fighting what your body has been trying to do. And there also might be a reason the baby needs out that they just don't know. There is so much about preterm labor that they don't understand, but 35 weeks appears to be the point that the benefits of birth outweigh the risks.

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