Josie turned 15 months old the other day! She is a joy beyond words. Here are a few of her favorite things...
playing outside, toddling up and down the sidewalk, picking up the rocks and giving them to Mommy (wondering why I keep putting them back)
playing in the sandbox, laying down in the sand, digging a little with a shovel, trying a bite here and there,
stopping along the way to smell the flowers
and enjoying a popsicle every chance she gets (especially after owies)...they can fix anything!
a few more of her favorite things...
exclaiming "ahh da" whenever she decides she is finished with something
kissing anything that remotely resembles a baby ("day dee")
feeding her "day dee" her bottle
waving "ba bye" to anything or anyone leaving including cars going by
catching bubbles, and tasting the bubble wand
her bottle ("ba ba")
following all burps with a fake one or two, then a laugh
trying to copy a wink by scrunching up both eyes really tight
drinking from a straw
spinning and spinning and spinning
dancing by bouncing up and down at the knees
climbing up the slide...all the way to the top
pulling the petals off Mommy's roses
going "ba bye"
her blanky
pulling her hair clips out
screaming really loud when she doesn't get what she wants
reading books
singing songs, even humming along when I hum to her
playing peek a boo
tickling toes and playing "this little piggy"
giving eskimo and butterfly kisses
bedtime snuggles
making Mommy smile:)